[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 19 (2006)


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Editorial - Judith Winters

Submitted: September 2006; Published: September 2006
Words: 679 (6KB)
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Geoarchaeological Observations on the Roman Town of Ammaia - Frank Vermeulen, Morgan De Dapper, Cristina Corsi and Sarah Deprez

Submitted: May 2005; Published: Nov 2005
Words: 13623 (123 KB); Images: 20 (3.5 MB); Interactive maps
Summary | Table of Contents

Cost Surface-Derived Least-Cost Paths: A Case Study from Iron Age Orkney - Brian Rahn

Submitted: Oct 2005; Published: Dec 2005
Words: 9772 (91 KB); Images: 10 (1.5 MB); Interactive maps
Summary | Table of Contents

Vernacular Buildings of the Outer Hebrides 300 BC-AD 1930: Temporal comparison using archaeological analysis - George Geddes

Submitted: Oct 2005; Published: Feb 2006
Words: 45111 (392 KB); Images: 53 (9.9 MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Strategic Location and Territorial Integrity: The Role of Subsidiary Sites in the Classic Maya Kingdoms of the Upper Usumacinta Region - Armando Anaya Hernández

Submitted: Oct 2005; Published: March 2006
Words: 11003 (97 KB); Images: 22 (2.2 MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Changing Settlements and Landscapes: Medieval Whittlewood, its Predecessors and Successors - Richard Jones, Christopher Dyer and Mark Page

Submitted: Sept 2005; Published: Sept 2006
Words: 8797 (79KB); Images: 9 (163 KB); Digital archive
Summary | Table of Contents


The Story of Alderley Edge (Website) - Don Henson

"visually attractive ... interesting, useful, refreshing""
Full text

Adlib Museum Lite (Software) - Andrew Morrison

"aimed at museums and private collectors .... but not appropriate for archaeology collections""
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