[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 22 (2007). Mesolithic Archaeology


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Foreword - Penny Spikins

Submitted: August 2007; Published: October 2007
Words: 558 (11KB);
Full text

Editorial - Rachel Parks

Submitted: September 2007; Published: October 2007
Words: 666 (12KB); Images: 1 (28KB);
Full text

Diet in Mesolithic Europe: New evidence from dental microwear - T. Rowan McLaughlin

Submitted: February 2007; Published: October 2007
Words: 7126 (66KB); Images: 6 (290 KB);
Summary | Table of Contents

Where are we going? Movement and Mobility in Mesolithic Research - Thomas Kador

Submitted: February 2007; Published: October 2007
Words: 11308 (101KB); Images: 15 (3 MB);
Summary | Table of Contents

In Sight of Doggerland: From speculative survey to landscape exploration - Simon Fitch, Vince Gaffney and Ken Thomson

Submitted: January year; Published: October 2007
Words: 10506 (90KB); Images: 7 (458 KB); AVI Movie: 1 (3.9 MB);
Summary | Table of Contents

Cultural Landscapes and Neolithisation Processes: Outline of a model for the Scheldt basin (Belgium) - Erick N. Robinson

Submitted: May 2007; Published: October 2007
Words: 17023 (147KB); Images: 6 (189 KB);
Summary | Table of Contents

Cockle Conversations: An investigation of the cockle collection practices at two Danish kitchen midden sites - Eva Laurie

Submitted: May 2007; Published: October 2007
Words: 7943 (77KB); Images: 18 (386 KB);
Summary | Table of Contents

Media for Movement and Making the World: Exploring Materials and Identity in the Mesolithic of the Northern Irish Sea Basin - Hannah Cobb

Submitted: March 2007; Published: October 2007
Words: 13237 (108KB); Images: 5 (346 KB); QTVR Movie: 1 (3 MB);
Summary | Table of Contents


The 80s revival continues. Review of Mesolithic Miscellany (website) - Graeme Warren

"...the reappearance of the newsletter is very welcome..."
Full text. Published November 2007.


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