[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 33 (2013). Portable Antiquities: archaeology, collecting, metal detecting

Edited by Stuart Campbell and Suzie Thomas


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Editorial - Portable antiquities: archaeology, collecting, metal detecting - Suzie Thomas

Submitted: December 2012; Published: March 2013
Words: 3443 (35KB); Images: 0
Full Text

Metal detecting, collecting and portable antiquities: Scottish and British perspectives - Stuart Campbell

Submitted: September 2012; Published: March 2013
Words: 8701 (62KB); Images: 2 (1.6MB)
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Can we really differentiate between treasure hunters and non-professional archaeologists? - Jean-Olivier Gransard-Desmond

Submitted: September 2012; Published: March 2013
Words: 11708 (96KB); Images: 0
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Biting the bullet: the role of hobbyist metal detecting within battlefield archaeology - Natasha Ferguson

Submitted: September 2012; Published: March 2013
Words: 14994 (126KB); Images: 17 (2MB)
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The Lord's Prerogative and an Act of Trust: portable antiquities in the Isle of Man - Allison Fox

Submitted: September 2012; Published: March 2013
Words: 6266 (50KB); Images: 8 (792KB)
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Ownership of heritage resources in South Africa: challenges and opportunities - Ndukuyakhe Ndlovu

Submitted: September 2012; Published: March 2013
Words: 6296 (51KB); Images: 0
Summary | Table of Contents

The Metal Detecting Forum - an online community. Resource, education and co-operation - Tom Redmayne and Kevin Woodward

Submitted: September 2012; Published: March 2013
Words: 5659 (46KB); Images: 14 (1.4MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Three years on from 'The Nighthawking Survey': innovations in heritage protection - Pete Wilson and Mark Harrison

Submitted: September 2012; Published: March 2013
Words: 6672 (59KB); Images: 0
Summary | Table of Contents


Response: the Treasure Act and Portable Antiquities Scheme - Roger Bland

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Who controls the past? - Penny English

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The law as mediator between archaeology and collecting - Patty Gerstenblith

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Ideology, governance and consequences from a collector's point of view - Wayne G. Sayles

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