[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 12 (2002). Education theme


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Editorial - Keeping the Learning in Computer-Based Learning - William Kilbride and Michael Reynier

Submitted: September 2002; Published: September 2002
Words: 3017 (20KB)
Full text

Contexts of Learning: The PATOIS project and Internet-based teaching and learning in Higher Education - William Kilbride, Kate Fernie, Pete McKinney and Julian D. Richards

Submitted: July 2002; Revised draft submitted: September 2002; Published: October 2002
Words: 15694 (126KB); Images: 1 (1.3KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Contextualising Archaeological Information Through Interactive Maps - Ian Johnson

Submitted: April 2002; Revised draft submitted: August 2002; Published: September 2002
Words: 16012 (148KB); Images: 59 (5.1MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Training Professional Archaeologists in the UK - meeting the crisis of success - Kenneth Aitchison

Submitted: May 2002; Revised draft submitted: Jul 2002; Published: September 2002
Words: 16837 (164KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

The Internet, Images and Archaeology: ideas for interactive tutorials - Pamela Wace and Frances Condron

Submitted: March 2002; Revised draft submitted: Jul 2002; Published: September 2002
Words: 19920 (177KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

The Reticulum Project - museum-based learning for children: an innovative approach to the Romans in Northern England - Jo Catling and Arlene Rankin

Submitted: March 2002; Revised draft submitted: May 2002; Published: September 2002
Words: 15524 (132KB); Images: 38 (2.4MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

SCRAN, Archaeology and Education: Realising the potential of digital resources - Elaine Mowat

Submitted: February 2002; Revised draft submitted: April 2002; Published: August 2002
Words: 12944 (139KB); Images: 60 (400KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Dea Computrix - another deity for the Roman Pantheon? Journeys in the Roman Empire CD-Rom - T.S.N. Moorhead

Submitted: February 2002; Revised draft submitted: March 2002; Published: August 2002
Words: 6289 (55KB); Images: 12 (1.6MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

What do we teach? What do we know? A methodology for describing archaeological skills and knowledge - John Collis

Submitted: March 2002; Revised draft submitted: April 2002; Published: July 2002
Words: 9053 (80KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Digital Stones: Teaching An Archaeological Lab Course On-Line - E.S. Lohse, Robert Schlader, D. Sammons

Submitted: September 2001; Revised draft submitted: March 2002; Published: July 2002
Words: 7681 (64KB); Images 4 (430KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Citizenship Education and Heritage - Tim Copeland

Submitted: November 2001; Revised draft submitted: March 2002; Published: July 2002
Words: 6166 (58KB); Images: 1 (4KB)
Summary | Table of Contents


Review of Cornaline de l'Inde/Carnelian in India (CD-Rom)

"this will make a welcome addition to the teaching arsenal for archaeological analysis and interpretation"
Peter Grave

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Hunt the Ancestors (web site)

"will introduce some important archaeological concepts to younger users ...seems well geared to children at Key Stage II level"
Richard Osgood

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Journeys in the Roman Empire (CD-Rom)

"exceptional images with a high and enjoyable educational element and academic rigour"
Richard Osgood

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Virtual Dig: A Simulated Archaeological Excavation of a Middle Palaeolithic Site in France (book and CD-Rom)

"imaginative ... it will introduce students to several techniques and possible problems they might encounter on real excavations"
Richard Osgood

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Viking Quest - an Epic Tale of Loot and Legend (web site) - Richard Osgood

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Whitby Abbey, English Heritage and Archaeology - Julie Ward

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