[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 4 (1997/1998)


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Editorial - Alan Vince

Submitted: July 1998; Published: July 1998; Words: 1293 (8KB)
Full text

Fish Remains and Humankind: part two. SPECIAL COLLECTION - Andrew KG Jones and Rebecca Nicholson (editors)

Submitted: September 1996 ; Published: July 1998
Words: 25291 (257KB); Images: 27 (640KB)
Editorial | Table of Contents

Etruscan pottery from the Albegna Valley/Ager Cosanus Survey - Phil Perkins

Submitted: November 1997; Published: June 1998
Words: 62994 (618KB); Images: 200 (1.2MB); Database
Summary | Table of Contents

Les nécropoles à incinérations gallo-romaines du grand-duché de Luxembourg- Premiers resultats d'une recherche en cours - Michel Polfer et Jos Thiel

Submitted: January 1997; Published: December 1997
Words: 6457 (61.8KB); Images: 9 (456KB); Database
Summary | Table of Contents

The Gallo-Roman cremation cemeteries of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg - initial findings of current research - Michel Polfer et Jos Thiel

Submitted: January 1997; Published: December 1997
Words: 6560 (56KB); Images: 9 (456KB); Database
Summary | Table of Contents

Graphical analysis of regional archaeological data. The use of site typology to explore the Dutch Neolithization process - M. Wansleeben and L.B.M. Verhart

Submitted: June 1997 ; Published: January 1998
Words: 39396 (369KB); Images: 190 (756KB); Interactive map
Summary | Table of Contents


Poggio Colla - The 1995 Season Sampler CD-ROM - Phil Perkins

Full text

New technology meets old: a review of the Multimedia companion to The Middle Palaeolithic site of Combe-Capelle Bas (France), by H. L. Dibble and S. P. McPherron - Paul Pettitt

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