[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 21 (2007)


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Editorial - Judith Winters

Submitted: September 2007; Published: September 2007
Words: 432 (4KB)
Full text

Silchester Roman Town Insula IX: The Development of an Urban Property c. AD 40-50 - c. AD 250 - A. Clarke, M.G. Fulford, M. Rains and K. Tootell

Submitted: January 2007; Published: September 2007
Words: 69311 (664KB); Images: 187 (14MB); PDF; 10 (296KB); Digital archive
Summary | Table of Contents

Analysing Medieval Urban Space; a methodology - Marlous L. Craane

Submitted: February 2007; Published: August 2007
Words: 14675 (125KB); Images: 56 (7.6MB);
Summary | Table of Contents

Consumption, deposition and social practice: a ceramic approach to intra-site analysis in late Iron Age to Roman Britain - Martin Pitts

Submitted: December 2006; Published: May 2007
Words: 30558 (304KB); Images: 31 (2.4 MB);
Summary | Table of Contents

A Faceted Query Engine Applied to Archaeology - Kenneth A. Ross, Angel Janevski, and Julia Stoyanovich

Submitted: November 2006; Published: April 2007
Words: 10507 (99KB); Images: 32 (1.9 MB);
Summary | Table of Contents

Planning Uncertainty: Creating an Artefact Density Index for North Yorkshire, England - Nick Boldrini

Submitted: July 2006; Published: April 2007
Words: 10914 (88KB); Images: 14 (2.4 MB); Downloads
Summary | Table of Contents


A Journey to a New Land (website) - Jean-Luc Pilon

"...will be very helpful for teachers at most levels in British Columbian schools..."
Full text. Published June 2007.

Informing the Future of the Past: Guidelines for Historic Environment Records 2nd edition (website) - Ben Robinson

"...complements national standards with views, examples, and opinions..."
Full text. Published September 2007.


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