[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 14 (2003/2004)


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Editorial - Judith Winters

Submitted: February 2004; Published: March 2004
Words: 600 (6KB)
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Feed the world: sharing knowledge via blogs and news feeds - Mike Heyworth

Submitted: February 2004; Published: February 2004
Words: 3218 (35KB); Images: 4 (130KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Problems with Permatrace: a note on digital image publication - Guy Hopkinson and Judith Winters

Submitted: August 2003; Revised draft submitted: November 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 4537 (42KB); Images: 6 (266KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

From the Ground Up. The Publication of Archaeological Projects: a user needs survey. A summary - Siân Jones, Ann MacSween, Stuart Jeffrey, Richard Morris, Mike Heyworth

Submitted: June 2003; Published: October 2003
Words: 16938 (48KB); Images: 42 (581KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Material Perspectives: Stone Tool Use and Material Culture in Papua New Guinea - Karen Hardy and Paul Sillitoe

Submitted: January 2003; Revised draft submitted: August 2003; Published: October 2003
Words: 72777 (701KB); Images: 443 (2MB); Database
Summary | Table of Contents

Excavations at Cricklade, Wiltshire, 1975 - Jeremy Haslam

Submitted: August 2002; Revised draft submitted: February 2003; Published: July 2003
Words: 57,919 (477KB); Images: 208 (6.8MB); Interactive image files: 6 (269KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

The Application of GIS Viewshed Analysis to Roman Urban Studies: the Case-Study of Empúries, Spain - Alan E. Kaiser

Submitted: June 2002; Revised draft submitted: February 2003; Published: May 2003
Words: 10693 (104KB); Images 14 (604KB)
Summary | Table of Contents


Worcestershire On-line Fabric Type Series website (Website) - Beverley Nenk

"...this impressive site will become a model for ... on-line publication of regional, national and international pottery reference collections"
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The Earl of Abergavenny. Historical Record and Wreck Excavation (CD-Rom) - David Petts

"...a genuinely important contribution to nautical archaeology..."
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Discovering Craven, Richard Harland Collection and Craven Museum Lithics Collections (CD-Roms) - Gail Falkingham

"... beautifully illustrated...innovative "
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