[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 49 (2018). Dare to Choose — Making Choices in Archaeological Heritage Management. EAC symposium proceedings

Edited by Ann Degraeve


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This volume of the proceedings of the 18th European Archaeological Council Heritage Management Symposium 2017 has been funded by EAC.

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Foreword. Dare to Choose — Making Choices in Archaeological Heritage Management
Leonard de Wit
Theme proposal received: April 2017; Accepted: 17 January 2018; Published: 19 March 2018

Ann Degraeve

Making Choices: Valletta, Development, Archaeology and Society
Barney Sloane

Summary | Table of Contents

Managing Greece's Underwater Archaeological Heritage
Angeliki G. Simosi

Summary | Table of Contents

Making Choices — Making Strategies: National Strategies for Archaeology in Denmark
Thomas Roland

Summary | Table of Contents

Dare To Lo(o)se
Gábor Virágos

Summary | Table of Contents

'Do I really need to dig it?' — Making Choices in Development-led Archaeological Excavation in Northern Ireland
John D.J. O'Keeffe

Summary | Table of Contents

A Toolbox for Archaeological Heritage Management. Maps, Methods and More for Effective and Efficient Selection of Valuable Archaeology
R.C.G.M. Lauwerier, M.C. Eerden, B.J. Groenewoudt, M.A. Lascaris, E. Rensink, B.I. Smit, B.P. Speleers and J. Van Doesburg

Summary | Table of Contents

Is Question-driven Fieldwork Vital or not? An Archaeological Heritage Manager's Perspective
Agnieszka Oniszczuk

Summary | Table of Contents

To Treat or not to Treat…Insights into the Strategic Decision-making in the Archaeological Conservation and Restoration Laboratory of the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
Ann Degraeve and Jef Pinceel

Summary | Table of Contents

Management Plans: A Tool for Participative Decision-making
Elena Kountouri, Constantina Benissi and Julia Papageorgiou

Summary | Table of Contents

Three for One: Analysis of Three Differing Approaches to Developing an Archaeology Strategy
Mary Teehan, Rebecca H. Jones and Mike Heyworth

Summary | Table of Contents

Steps towards Public Engagement with Archaeological Heritage — Some Portuguese Examples
João Marques and Filipa Neto

Summary | Table of Contents

The Relevance of Professional Ethics of Archaeologists in Society
Sandra Zirne

Summary | Table of Contents


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