[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 30 (2011)


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Editorial - Judith Winters

Submitted: Oct 2011; Published: Oct 2011
Words: 921 (7KB); Images: 0 (0KB)
Full Text

Translating the Past: bridging the gap between the early post-Reformation Scottish subject and archaeology's audiences - Morgana McCabe

Submitted: May 2010; Published: July 2011
Words: 34393 (120KB); Images: 21 (18.1MB);
Summary | Table of Contents

An Investigation of Aural Space inside Mousa Broch by Observation and Analysis of Sound and Light - Dave Thomas

Submitted: September 2010; Published: July 2011
Words: 16323 (151KB); Images: 39 (7.7MB); audio and video files
Summary | Table of Contents

Connecting Archaeological Data and Grey Literature via Semantic Cross Search - Douglas Tudhope, Keith May, Ceri Binding, Andreas Vlachidis

Submitted: April 2011; Published: July 2011
Words: 20682 (179KB); Images: 12 (725KB); animation
Summary | Table of Contents

Developing a 3-D Digital Heritage Ecosystem: from object to representation and the role of a virtual museum in the 21st century - Fred Limp, Angie Payne, Katie Simon, Snow Winters and Jack Cothren

Submitted: March 2011; Published: July 2011
Words: 4618 (48KB); Images: 26 (3.3MB); videos; digital archive
Summary | Table of Contents

An Atlas of Medieval Combs from Northern Europe - Steven P. Ashby

Submitted: March 2011; Published: Sept 2011
Words: 30130 (278KB); Images: 83 (13.3MB)
Summary | Table of Contents


Review of Digital Research in the Study of Classical Antiquity [Book] - Adam Rabinowitz

"...comes as close to being ... a possession for all time as one can hope for in a book on the rapidly changing field of digital scholarship"
Full text. Published July 2011.


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