[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 28 (2010)


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Editorial — Blurring some Boundaries - Judith Winters

Submitted: Dec 2010; Published: Dec 2010
Words: 980 (9KB); Images: 0 (0KB)
Full Text

Placing Immateriality: Situating the Material of Highland Chiriquí - Karen Holmberg

Submitted: March 2010; Published: November 2010
Words: 5112 (50KB); Images: 58 (2MB); Interactive mapping (GIS); Digital archive
Summary | Table of Contents

Iron Age Settlement at Blackstone, Worcestershire: Excavations 1972, 1973 and 1977 - Derek Hurst, Alan Hunt and Peter Davenport

Submitted: January 2010; Published: July 2010
Words: 84140 (753KB); Images: 49 (812KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Iron Age Hillforts and Defended Enclosures in Southwest Wales - K. Murphy and F. Murphy

Submitted: November 2009; Published: June 2010
Words: 10930 (96KB); Images: 35 (2.67MB); Database
Summary | Table of Contents

To Block Lift or Not to Block Lift? An Experiment at the Early Mesolithic Site of Star Carr, North-East Yorkshire, UK - P. Hadley, A. Hall, M. Taylor, A. Needham, B. Taylor, C. Conneller and N. Milner

Submitted: March 2010; Published: June 2010
Words: 18745 (169KB); Images: 19 (9.17MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

A New Tool for Zooarchaeological Analysis: ArcGIS Skeletal Templates for Some Common Mammalian Species - David C. Orton

Submitted: February 2010; Published: June 2010
Words: 8176 (83KB); Images: 13 (1.65MB)
Summary | Table of Contents


Review of Beyond Illustration: 2D and 3D Digital Tools for Discovery in Archaeology [Book] - Melissa Terras

"...points to a future where cultural scholars will be able to...create and interrogate highly detailed 3D models of the spaces excavated by modern archaeologists, enabling virtual archaeology which moves away from producing pretty pictures to robust, methodological, empirical, grounded research."
Full text. Published June 2010.


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