[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 23 (2007/2008)


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Editorial - Judith Winters

Submitted: April 2008; Published: April 2008
Words: 815 (8KB); Images: 0 (0KB);
Full text

Characterising the Welsh Roundhouse: chronology, inhabitation and landscape - Eleanor Ghey, Nancy Edwards, Robert Johnston and Rachel Pope

Submitted: April 2007; Published: November 2007
Words: 25816 (217KB); Images: 26 (3.6MB); Database; Digital archive
Summary/Crynodeb | Table of Contents

Categorising the past: lessons from the archaeological resource assessment for Yorkshire - Steve Roskams with Mark Whyman

Submitted: July 2007; Published: November 2007
Words: 25893 (214KB); Images: 20 (2.1MB);
Summary | Table of Contents

Appropriate Levels of Detail in 3-D Visualisation: the House of the Surgeon, Pompeii - P.S. Murgatroyd

Submitted: October 2006; Published: February 2008
Words: 28191 (235KB); Images: 67 (10MB); Models: 4 (14.7MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

A Multi-technique GIS Visibility Analysis for Studying Visual Control of an Iron Age Landscape - Carme Ruestes Bitrià

Submitted: July 2007; Published: March 2008
Words: 17114 (143KB); Images: 48 (77KB);
Summary | Table of Contents

An Interactive Image Using SVG and Ajax in Archaeology - Michael Charno

Submitted: September 2007; Published: April 2008
Words: 19407 (163KB); Images: 16 (168KB); Interactive image (SVG)
Summary | Table of Contents


Review of Novum Inventorium Sepulchrale: Kentish Anglo-Saxon Graves and Grave Goods in the Sonia Chadwick Hawkes Archive (Online Digital Corpus) - Tara-Jane Sutcliffe

"...the NIS will certainly facilitate greater research into Kentish Anglo-Saxon grave-goods in particular and ... Anglo-Saxon England more widely..."
Full text. Published February 2008.


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