[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 31 (2011/2012)


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Editorial - Judith Winters

Submitted: May 2012; Published: May 2012
Words: 591 (6KB); Images: 1 (128KB)
Full Text

Depicting the gods: metal figurines in Roman Britain - Emma Durham

Submitted: August 2011; Published: April 2012
Words: 65081 (597KB); Images: 855 (45.2MB);
Summary | Table of Contents

The S. Omobono Sanctuary in Rome: Assessing eighty years of fieldwork and exploring perspectives for the future
N. Terrenato, P. Brocato, G. Caruso, A.M. Ramieri, H.W. Becker, I. Cangemi, G. Mantiloni and C. Regoli

Submitted: July 2011; Published: March 2012
Words: 70580 (566KB); Images: 78 (218MB); Interactive images
Summary | Table of Contents

Communicating Archaeological Risk with Web-Based Virtual Reality: A Case Study - Giacomo Landeschi and Marcello Carrozzino

Submitted: June 2010; Published: December 2011
Words: 13373 (112KB); Images: 7 (8.7MB); VR model
Summary | Table of Contents

Finds and access at Black Patch, East Sussex - J. Williams

Submitted: October 2011; Published: December 2011
Words: 14965 (142KB); Images: 10 (4.2MB);
Summary | Table of Contents


Review of 'Archaeological Methods' [Website] - John Gale

"...[I would] recommend it to my own undergraduate students as part of their diet in all matters pertaining to Archaeological Practice"
Full text. Published Dec 2011.

Review of 'Recording, Documentation, Information Management for the Conservation of Heritage Places' [Book] - Caroline Hardie

"...a point-in-time review of heritage management and recording ... identifying standards to which all those working or interested in heritage in all its diverse forms should aspire to"
Full text. Published Jan 2012.


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