[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 32 (2012/2013)


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Finding Nero: shining a new light on Romano-British sculpture - Miles Russell and Harry Manley

Submitted: Nov 2012; Published: Feb 2013
Words: 6118 (81KB); Images: 14 (1MB); Models: 3 (193MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

3D Virtual Dig: a 3D Application for Teaching Fieldwork in Archaeology - Paola Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco, Fabrizio Galeazzi and Carlo Camporesi

Submitted: April 2012; Published: Dec 2012
Words: 9075 (108KB); Images: 10 (1.14MB); Video: 1 (76MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Swords into Ploughshares: Archaeological Applications of CORONA Satellite Imagery in the Near East - Jesse Casana, Jackson Cothren and Tuna Kalayci

Submitted: March 2012; Published: September 2012
Words: 16500 (279KB); Images: 55 (94MB); Movies: 2 (18MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

A Possible Astronomical Alignment marking Seasonal Transitions at Listoghil, Sligo, Ireland - Pádraig Meehan

Submitted: April 2012; Published: Sept 2012
Words: 35295 (271 KB); Images: 19 (14.8 MB); Animations: 2 (1.4 GB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Visualising the Guild Chapel, Stratford-upon-Avon: digital models as research tools in buildings archaeology - Kate Giles, Anthony Masinton and Geoff Arnott

Submitted: January 2012; Published: July 2012
Words: 29044 (268KB); Images: 30 (31 MB); Model: 1 (8.5MB)
Summary | Table of Contents


Social Media at the CAA2012: A Reflective Report - Nicole Beale and Jessica Ogden

Full text. Published Sept 2012.

Archaeology 2.0? Review of Archaeology 2.0: New Approaches to Communication and Collaboration [Web Book] - Michael Shanks and Christopher Witmore

Full text. Published October 2012.


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