[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 46 (2017). Digital Co-Production in Archaeology


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Digital Co-Production in Archaeology. An editorial
Chiara Bonacchi and Bodil Petersson

Issue Proposal received: 18 February 2016; Accepted: 15 August 2017; Published: 20 December 2017

Unintended Collaborations: interpreting archaeology on social media
Chiara Zuanni

Summary | Table of Contents

Creating Ambassadors Through Digital Media: reflections from the Sandby borg project
Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay and Ulrika Söderström

Summary | Table of Contents

Pararchive and Island Stories: collaborative co-design and community digital heritage on the Isle of Bute
Paul R.J. Duffy and Simon Popple

Summary | Table of Contents

Contract Archaeology, Social Media and the Unintended Collaboration with the Public — Experiences from Motala, Sweden
Göran Gruber

Summary | Table of Contents

Virtual Bodies in Ritual Procession — Digital co-production for actors and interpreters of the past
Magali Ljungar-Chapelon

Summary | Table of Contents

Public Archaeology 2015: Letting public engagement with archaeology 'speak for itself'
Lorna-Jane Richardson and James Dixon

Summary | Table of Contents


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