[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 25 (2008/2009)


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Editorial: a LEAP and a step towards Open Access - Judith Winters

Submitted: April 2009; Published: April 2009
Words: 905 (7KB); Images: 0 (0KB);
Full text

The landscapes of Islamic Merv, Turkmenistan: Where to draw the line? - Tim Williams

Submitted: October 2007; Published: October 2008
Words: 47381 (432KB); Images: 68 (112KB) Panoramas; Audio; Interactive mapping (GIS); Digital archive
Summary | Table of Contents

Becoming Roman in southern Burgundy: A field survey between Autun and Bibracte in the Arroux Valley (Saône-et-Loire), 2000-2003 - John Creighton, Colin Haselgrove, Pamela Lowther and Tom Moore (with contributions from Fabienne Olmer and Steven Willis)

Submitted: April 2008; Published: October 2008
Words: 51162 (456KB); Images: 103 (11MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Developing SASSA: a Soil Analysis Support System for Archaeologists - Clare Wilson, Donald Davidson, Edward Pollard, Julie Cowie, David Cairns and Martin Blunn

Submitted: March 2008; Published: December 2008
Words: 10965 (102KB); Images: 17 (351KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Quaternary pollen analysis in the Iberian Peninsula: the value of negative results - J.S. Carrión, S. Fernández, P. González-Sampériz, S.A.G. Leroy, G.N. Bailey, J.A. López-Sáez, F. Burjachs, G. Gil-Romera, M. García-Antón, M.J. Gil-García, I. Parra, L. Santos, P. López-García, E.I Yll, M. Dupré

Submitted: 2008; Published: March 2009
Words: 47944 (442KB); Images: 42 (70KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Anglo-Saxon Landscape and Economy: using portable antiquities to study Anglo-Saxon and Viking Age England - Julian D. Richards, John Naylor and Caroline Holas-Clark

Submitted: October 2008; Published: April 2009
Words: 124611 (1.1MB); Images: 376 (37MB)
Summary | Table of Contents


Review of ImageMaster Close-Range Photogrammetry Software by Topcon - Anthony Masinton

"...a tool that well deserves a place within the archaeological field toolkit."
Full text. Published December 2008.


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