[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 7 (1999)


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Editorial - Judith Winters

Submitted: December 1999; Published: December 1999
Words: 766 (7KB); Images: 2 (9KB)
Full text

BCal: an on-line Bayesian radiocarbon calibration tool - Caitlin Buck, J. Andrés Christen and Gary N. James

Submitted: July 1999; Published: September 1999
Words: 4172 (38KB); Images: 2 (5KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

One Good Site Deserves Another: Electronic Publishing in Field Archaeology - John Gray and Karen Walford

Submitted: June 1999; Published: September 1999
Words: 5462 (44KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Excavation Publication and the Internet - Caroline Wickham-Jones

Submitted: June 1999; Published: September 1999
Words: 9956 (88KB); Images: 14 (66KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Navigating Leskernick: a guide for [web]site seers - Paul Basu

Submitted: August 1999; Published: November 1999
Words: 5528 (53KB); Images: 7 (741KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

A Virtual Tomb for Kelvingrove: Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Education - Melissa Terras

Submitted: May 1999; Published: December 1999
Words: 28,030 (239KB); Images: 115 (23.9MB); VR model
Summary | Table of Contents

Fish Remains and Humankind III: SPECIAL COLLECTION - Andrew KG Jones and Rebecca Nicholson (editors)

Submitted: September 1996; Published: December 1999
Words: 16,290 (163KB); Images: 18 (105KB)
Editorial | Table of Contents


A Compendium of Pevsner's Buildings of England - Malcolm Airs

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