[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 2 (1997)


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Editorial - Alan Vince

Submitted: May 1997 ; Published: May 1997; Words: 1597 (10.4KB)
Full text

The need for the solid modelling of structure in the archaeology of buildings - Robert Daniels

Submitted: November 1996; Published: April 1997
Words: 10916 (78.2KB); Images: 19 (262KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Iron Age and Roman copper alloys from northern Britain - David Dungworth

Submitted: July 1996 ; Published: April 1997
Words: 76997 (625KB); Images: 258 (1.66MB); Database
Summary | Table of Contents

The `chaîne opératoire' approach to lithic analysis - Roger Grace

Submitted: September 1996; Published: April 1997
Words: 9126 (72KB); Images: 47 (473KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Enhancing the record through remote sensing: the application and integration of multi-sensor, non-invasive remote sensing techniques for the enhancement of the Sites and Monuments Record. Heslerton Parish Project, N. Yorkshire, England - Dominic Powlesland, James Lyall & Danny Donoghue

Submitted: January 1997; Published: April 1997
Words: 10857 (88.1KB); Images: 25 (643KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Why metadata matters in archaeology - Alicia Wise & Paul Miller

Submitted: April 1997; Published: April 1997
Words: 5995 (48.8KB); Images: 1 (22KB)
Summary | Table of Contents


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