[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 17 (2005)


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Editorial - Jonathan Kenny

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Submitted: May 2005; Published: May 2005
Words: 911 (8.6 KB)

The Holocene Environment and Transition to Agriculture in Boreal Russia (Serteya Valley Case Study) - Pavel M. Dolukhanov, Anvar M. Shukurov, Kh.A. Arslanov, A.N. Mazurkevich, L.A. Savel'eva, E.N. Dzinoridze M.A. Kulkova and Ganna I. Zaitseva

Submitted: June 2004; Published: December 2004
Words: 13615 (138 KB); Images: 17 (483 KB)
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Caprine Butchery and Bone Modification Templates: A step towards standardisation - Peter Popkin

Submitted: May 2004; Published: March 2005
Words: 7981 (83 KB); Images: 59 (2.1 MB); Downloads
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A Whiter Shade of Grey: A new approach to archaeological grey literature using the XML version of the TEI Guidelines - Gail Falkingham

Submitted: January 2005; Published: April 2005
Words: 59817 (498 KB)
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Samian Pottery, a Resource for the Study of Roman Britain and Beyond: the results of the English Heritage funded Samian Project. An e-monograph - Steven Willis

Submitted: November 2003; Published: March 2005
Words: 278,719 (2.1 MB); Images: 21 (183 KB); Database
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Extracting the social relevance of artefact distribution in Roman military forts - Penelope M. Allison, Andrew S. Fairbairn, Steven J.R. Ellis and Christopher W. Blackall

Submitted: November 2003; Published: April 2005
Words: 50652 (434 KB); Images: 98 (8 MB); Downloads
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