[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 15 (2004). Archaeological Infomatics - beyond technology

Theme edited by Jeremy Huggett and Seamus Ross


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Archaeological Infomatics: Beyond Technology

Preface: Digital dissemination and archiving - David Miles

Submitted: November 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 1266 (14KB)
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Introduction - Jeremy Huggett and Seamus Ross

Submitted: October 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 2071 (17KB)
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The Past in Bits: towards an archaeology of Information Technology? - Jeremy Huggett

Submitted: October 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 16709 (163KB)
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'The Storm of Progress' and Archaeology for an Online Public - Kathryn Denning

Submitted: October 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 14039 (144KB)
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The future of electronic scholarship - Cornelius Holtorf

Submitted: October 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 12662 (114KB); Images: 1 (531KB)
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Databases - Nick Ryan

Submitted: October 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 13119 (126KB); Images: 5 (20KB)
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Sites and Monuments Records and Historic Environment Records in England: is Cinderella finally going to the Ball? - Paul Gilman

Submitted: October 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 11498 (124KB); Images: 5 (353KB); QTVR: 1 (155KB)
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National Inventories: from catalogues to computers - Diana Murray

Submitted: October 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 8142 (78KB)
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Online Archives - Julian D. Richards

Submitted: October 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 15149 (130KB)
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Mathematical Modelling - Clive Orton

Submitted: October 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 8928 (85KB)
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Remote Sensing and Geophysical Prospection - Armin Schmidt

Submitted: October 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 11284 (116KB); Images: 2 (116KB)
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Making space for an archaeology of place - David Wheatley

Submitted: October 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 8921 (114KB); Images: 2 (12KB)
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A manufactured past: virtual reality in archaeology - Glyn Goodrick and Graeme Earl

Submitted: October 2003; Published: January 2004
Words: 13342 (134KB)
Summary | Table of Contents


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